How to fix a sagging mattress?
We’ve all been there. It’s been a long, hard day. Work has been exhausting. We just want to go home, shower, eat something, and then curl into bed for a long respite
. But when you climb into bed, you realize something’s wrong. You groan in annoyance as you realize that you’ve had your mattress a while and there’s a noticeable dent in the middle. Your mattress has developed the dreaded sag, which is the sad fate of all mattresses. It’s bound to happen.
Pretty much every sleep expert in the world agrees that a poor mattress leads to poor quality sleep. Bad sleep can have all kinds of nasty side effects further down the road, with the potential to even cause heart problems if prolonged.
Ultimately, a quality mattress is in your best interests. Even so, even the firmest of mattresses can’t last forever and having a heavyweight stuck upon it night after night brings wear and tear.
It wouldn’t even be so bad if it weren’t for the fact that it’s now so uncomfortable. Your spine is bending and affecting your sleep. But you can’t afford a brand new mattress. So what do you do? Well, here are ten steps you can take to fix an annoying sagging mattress and maybe even buy it a few more years of life.